BHC - Welcome

Welcome to Brandy Hole Copse!

(This webpage was first published on 29th September 2024.)

Page under development ...

Following a Committee Meeting on Friday 27th September 2024, the Friends of Brandy Hole Copse plan to curate a Welcome page for visitors to the Copse - folk who use/enjoy the Copse and may wish to support it, but who may not be aware we exist!

Please bear with us, whilst we work on this - as ever, it is down to volunteer time.

In the meantime, for latest news and essential information, visit our Home page. If you're inspired to volunteer, there are information and forms here. We would love to include more information about Copse wildlife on this fledgling webpage too.

However you interact with the Copse, we hope you agree that it having a Friends' organisation is useful. We can trace our history back to about 1989 and count the Copse's designation as a Local Nature Reserve as one of our successes, but the need for folk to take an interest in the Copse and its wildlife persists, and for all of us to advocate for, and encourage, its care as challenges evolve. The life of a pond or woodland never stands still! And there are so many ways that visitors to the Copse can help.

As we start a new phase of outreach, hoping to build up a new volunteer and support base on the foundations laid by earlier generations no longer able to play an active role, we very much hope that you will join us. Find our online Membership Form below.

Friends of Brandy Hole Copse (FOBHC)

Membership Application and Renewal Form

If you would like to join FOBHC or renew your membership of FOBHC, please fill in the form below, and Submit. (Membership subscription is per household.)

Membership is effective on receipt of both form and subscription: please pay the sum of £5.00 (five pounds) to the account of Friends of Brandy Hole Copse at Lloyds Bank, 10 East Street, Chichester PO19 1HJ, Sort code 30-91-97, Account no. 23438968. Your Membership will expire on 31st March unless renewed - subscriptions are due annually on 1st April. (Payment by Standing Order is very much appreciated.)   

 A copy of our Privacy Policy is available to read below.

Friends of Brandy Hole Copse - Membership Form

Friends' Privacy Policy

This may be downloaded to read (see right).

Please note that interactions through this website are subject to Chichester Tree Wardens' Privacy Policy. Communications intended for the Friends of Brandy Hole Copse will be passed on to the Friends by Chichester Tree Wardens.

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