Brandy Hole Copse

Friends of Brandy Hole Copse

Find information on Working Parties, and how to volunteer to help,

on our Volunteer at Brandy Hole Copse page.

If you're new to Chichester, or just visiting, map and access point information can be found here.

Contacts, including in an Emergency

 If you encounter something happening in the Copse which you consider likely to cause serious injury to a person or serious risk of damage to the Copse, always dial 999.

Please also make Chichester District Council aware: ‘phone 01243 785166 between 9-4 Monday-Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Outside these hours the Emergency ‘phone number for CDC is 01243 785339 (see Useful contacts for emergencies - Chichester District Council ).


To report something else needing attention but not urgent, please email and cc environmentalstrategy@chichester, . (If you wish to make the Friends aware, also cc .)

*** News Flash ***

Sunday 1st December 2024

We have digitised The Story of Brandy Hole Copse which gives a fascinating insight into the context of the Copse in 2001, on the cusp of it being designated as a Local Nature Reserve. The Friends of Brandy Hole Copse is the successor to the Brandy Hole Copse Conservation Group, whose volunteer efforts brought about the original protection of the Copse. A new challenge is expected in 2025, as developers progress planning for the 2 adjoining fields to the south. Outline planning permission for Phase 2 of the development of Whitehouse Farm was granted on 22nd July 2024 with these 2 fields intended to become "Country Park". Exactly how this is done will affect the resilience and biodiversity of the Copse and the ways in which people use/enjoy it. We will necessarily have to focus on the opportunities and challenges it brings as the developers draw up proposals for a "Reserved Matters" (detailed planning) application in the New Year.

The date of our next AGM has provisionally been set for the evening of Wednesday 14th May 2025, pending hall booking confirmation.

 Monthly email updates and Chichester District Council-led Working Parties continue.

(If you've been in contact via email, but not heard back from us, please call or text Paula on 07788 140698 - emails may get missed in a crowded Inbox.)

Please get in touch, if you'd like to support the Friends through a £5 annual membership subscription or other donation. (You can find our Membership Form here.)

We need your help!

To volunteer for Working Parties, please visit our Volunteer at Brandy Hole Copse webpage

and complete the form.

(Knowing how many people to expect really helps us plan for a safe, happy and effective morning.)

Wildlife to see at the Copse

Help us populate this new webpage by sending your observations to

Email Update ...

... last sent 1st December 2024.

Explore our email archive below.

News Archive

If you remember seeing something here, you should still be able to find it in the News Archive section at the foot of this page, which you can "jump to" here. Includes information on membership renewals (due 1st April each year) and previous email updates.

Friends of Brandy Hole Copse logo - words on pale green oval background with silhouette of a tree without leaves

Click on the links (in green) to download a file:

The 2017 to 2021 Management Plan, together with a brief introduction to the Copse can be found on CDC's website here.

Next Friends' AGM:   to be decided

last AGM held on Thursday 5th October 2023

Brandy Hole Copse is, at the time of writing (December 2023) Chichester's only designated Local Nature Reserve. The Management Agreement under which Chichester District Council (CDC) manages that part of the Copse which it does not own was put in place in 2002.

The Friends of Brandy Hole Copse ("the Friends") exists to promote conservation and biodiversity in Brandy Hole Copse and its immediate surroundings. Its work is intended to support the Management Board for the Copse to implement the Management Plan, including through encouraging volunteers to help care for the Copse.

 The Friends has faced a positive storm of disruptions in recent years, from the implications of development at Whitehouse Farm, through covid-19 controls, the uncertainties of CDC resourcing and Committee members who have struggled through illness, died or resigned. Following an AGM on 5th October 2023, the Friends has a new Committee to take it forward and inspire continued interest in, and support for, the Copse.   


Chichester Tree Wardens created this webpage in December 2022 to support the Friends whilst it has no dedicated website of its own.

Friends' Privacy Policy

This may be downloaded to read (see right).

Please note that interactions through this website are subject to Chichester Tree Wardens' Privacy Policy. Communications intended for the Friends of Brandy Hole Copse will be passed on to the Friends by Chichester Tree Wardens.

More about Brandy Hole Copse ...

The importance of Brandy Hole Copse is recognised by multiple designations:

        - Chichester Dyke, Broyle earthwork, section extending 430yds (393m) through East Broyle Copse, to railway, and earthwork extending 400yds (365m) from Brandy Hole Lane, New Fishbourne (List Entry 1005853)

        - Chichester Dyke, Broyle earthwork, section at Brandy Hole, extending E 230yds (210m) from railway, New Fishbourne (List Entry 1005854)

Early records of the Friends of Brandy Hole Copse (starting with its conception as the Brandy Hole Copse Conservation Group) have been lodged with West Sussex Record Office. You can check what is available to view here. The period covered is 1989 to 2013. To help bring the early years of support for the Copse alive, we have transcribed the 2001 booklet: "Chichester's green secret - The story of Brandy Hole Copse" so that its contents are more readily accessible.

How to find Brandy Hole Copse

Access the Copse on foot from Brandy Hole Lane, Centurion Way (cycle and footway), Bristol Gardens or from Old Broyle Road.

There is limited on-road parking on Brandy Hole Lane just off Old Broyle Road (no space for on-road parking along Brandy Hole Lane north of the Copse) - approximate What3Words location resides.sensitive.swing and an off-road car park nearby with entrance roughly at ruler.fairly.perplexed that has been provided as part of the major housing development to the south (Minerva Heights). 

News Archive

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Mostly "housekeeping" has been happening! The Friends' Committee has co-opted a new Treasurer, changed our e-mailing provider, updated our Privacy Policy and our Membership Form. We have a Committee meeting on Friday 27th September. Please get in touch with ideas/anything you'd like to bring to our attention.

Monthly email updates and Chichester District Council-led Working Parties continue.

(If you've been in contact via email, but not heard back from us, please call or text Paula on 07788 140698 - emails may get missed in a crowded Inbox.)

Please get in touch, if you'd like to support the Friends through a membership subscription.

Monday 1st July 2024

Nothing exceptional to report.

Saturday 17th February 2024

Apologies to anyone who has made contact by email or contact form and not received a reply. Please do persevere - a call or text to Paula on 07788 140698 would be welcome to help us (me!) catch up.

Monthly email updates and Chichester District Council-led Working Parties continue.

Please get in touch, if you'd like to support the Friends through a membership subscription.

Friday 5th January 2024

Have you noticed an uptick in birdsong in the mornings? This article from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust suggests now is a good time for novice birders to get their ear in before the Spring clamour! Some birds may be more visible in the Copse now too, with less foliage around - look out for goldcrests, treecreepers, and woodpeckers (given away by their drumming; a sparrow-sized lesser spotted woodpecker would be truly exciting!). And, please, record your wildlife sightings - our Wildlife page suggests websites/smartphone app.s you can use. (That page still needs LOTS of work - we'd love you to send us your photographs, articles, observations for us to include.)

Monthly email updates and Chichester District Council-led Working Parties continue.

Friday 8th December 2023

Our new Committee is finding its feet after our 5th October AGM. Monthly email updates continue, primarily focussing on supporting volunteering for Chichester District Council-led Working Parties, and hopefully this webpage is now up-to-date.

Please get in touch, if you'd like to support the Friends through a membership subscription.

AGM date: evening of Thursday 5th October 2023.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Attempts have been made to contact current members with details of our AGM, either by email sent on 26th September (which you can read here) or by 'phone. Some of the contact details we had for members are no longer up-to-date, or have not been provided/recorded. Please do check with us, if you've not heard from us. (Some memberships previously paid by standing order have lapsed following Nationwide withdrawing our bank account in 2022; standing orders to our account with Lloyds Bank were not affected.)

Please note that, under our Constitution, only paid-up members are eligible to vote at our AGM. (This does not include members joining on the day.) 

Please consider helping the Friends to form and support a new Committee -

new form on our Volunteer at Brandy Hole Copse page.

Next Working Parties:

Tuesday 17th October 2023, 10am to noon

*  updated date  *

a physically active session where we will be cutting laurel to control this invasive species,

open up the woodland floor to light and increase opportunity for biodiversity

Thursday 7th September 2023

Next Working Parties:

Tuesday 12th September 2023, 10am to noon

pond work (please see email update here for further information)

Tuesday 17th October 2023, 10am to noon

*  updated date  *

a physically active session where we will be cutting laurel to control this invasive species,

open up the woodland floor to light and increase opportunity for biodiversity

Tuesday 29th August 2023

Next email due soon.

Please consider helping the Friends to form and support a new Committee -

new form on our Volunteer at Brandy Hole Copse page.

Wednesday 3rd August 2023

Updated to include email:

Tuesday 8th August 2023, 10am to noon

making records of trees (please see email for further information)

Tuesday 18th July 2023

Next Working Parties:

Tuesday 8th August 2023, 10am to noon

making records of trees (please bring binoculars, if you have them)

Tuesday 12th September 2023, 10am to noon

pond work (details nearer the time)

N.B. to make it easier to remember, these dates are the second Tuesday of the month.

Wednesday 21st June 2023

Working Parties announced as follows:

Tuesday 11th July 2023, 10am to noon

observation and records of trees and butterflies (butterflies weather dependent) – long trousers advised

Tuesday 8th August 2023, 10am to noon

activity to be advised

Tuesday 12th September 2023, 10am to noon

pond work (details nearer the time)

Email Update ...

... last sent 22nd June 2023

Wednesday 7th June 2023

AGM date confirmed for evening of Thursday 5th October 2023.

Email Update ...

... to follow after 13th June 2023.

Wednesday 24th May 2023

First Working Party of 2023 announced:

Tuesday 13th June 2023, 10am to noon

Control of Laurel to improve biodiversity.

To volunteer, please visit our new Volunteer at Brandy Hole Copse webpage

and complete the form.

(Knowing how many people to expect really helps us plan for a safe, happy and effective morning.)

Email Update ...

... due soon!

On reflection, June seemed not the ideal time for an Annual General Meeting, so we are now exploring dates towards the end of September/early October and hope to pin one down soon. We want it to be worth the wait!

Monday 20th March 2023

Please note the Friends' updated Privacy Policy.

Membership renewals due Saturday 1st April 2023.

Please note that Nationwide withdrew our old account last year (2020).

Please would members paying by standing order (£5.00 annually on 1st April until further notice) check

that this is to our Lloyds Bank account:

Friends of Brandy Hole Copse  ---  Sort code 30-91-97  ---  Account number 23438968

Email Update

Our March 2023 Update to Members was emailed on 21st March 2023. Click to read it here.

If you are a member but did not receive it, please email to add your email address to our contact details.

Tuesday 20th December 2022

A section towards the south east of Brandy Hole Copse will be closed on Tuesday 20th December 2022, including some paths, whilst Chichester District Council undertakes coppicing of sweet chestnut trees for increased biodiversity in the Copse.

Please note signs and taped off paths.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Email updates sent:

Date sent

(links to online version; photographs may no longer be available)

Information in email

View/download as a pdf

(includes photographs)

Coppicing last Working Party (12th November) and next (10th December). Photos from 12th November; inspiration for a dead hedge.

Laurel bashing last Working Party (8th October); next is coppicing on 12th November. Friends Membership Form now online (AGM provisional date 14th May 2025); retired Treasurer Mel awarded Honorary Membership

Laurel bashing last Working Party and next (8th October); Butterfly Conservation and Bumblebee Conservation Trust results for 2024 national surveys; a plug for CDC's app used to report fly-tipping.

First e-mailer using MailChimp; Privacy Policy has been updated. 10th September Working Party; last time we maintained clear paths in adjoining field and explored its wildlife. Wild Crayon workshop 27th September.

Note change of e-mailing service provider and updated Privacy Police with effect from 1st September 2024.

2nd email giving notice of migration to a new email platform (likely MailChimp), as a result of closure of the Mad Mimi service on 30th August.

13th August Working Party; last time we cut laurel and cleared a path in adjoining field. Log/brash piles are part of the conservation management of the Copse. Treasurer Mel has retired; Peter Bickley has been co-opted as Treasurer. Wild Crayon workshop 27th September.

9th July Working Party; yet again weather was poor for butterflies last time - our time was spent attempting to tackle duckweed on Brandy Hole Pond again, and generally appreciating what wildlife we could.

11th June Working Party; last time we pulled variegated archangel, cut a small amount of laurel, attempted to tackle duckweed on Brandy Hole Pond.

14th May Working Party; future Working Party dates to January 2025 (there was a typo!); plant survey last time; SARG palmate newts found; Green Sketching; Phase 2 Whitehouse Farm Northern Country Park update.

9th April Working Party confirmed as butterfly and/or plant survey, depending on weather. Opportunity to join volunteers with Sussex Amphibian and Reptile Group for amphibian survey. Report on success of 19th March bird survey.

March Working Party now on Tuesday 19th (bird survey); coppicing for chestnut stakes and cutting back laurel continued on 13th February

Cutting chestnut stakes and cutting back laurel continued on 16th January; next Working Party on Tuesday 13th February for more of the same

Happy New Year! Report of how chestnut stakes cut on 12th December have been used; next Working Party on Tuesday 16th January

Working Party on Tuesday 12th December and reminder of future dates

Working Party on Tuesday 14th November and future dates

Working Party on Tuesday 17th October to cut back laurel

What to expect at our AGM to be held on 5th October (please RSVP); tribute to Andrew Berriman

Details of 12th September volunteer working party; change of date for October; report on 8th August tree survey

Details of 8th August volunteer working party; report on 11th July butterfly survey etc

Details of July to September volunteer working parties; report on 13th June laurel removal

First volunteer working party to take place 13th June; AGM announced for 5th October; volunteers needed for Friends Committee; membership renewal

Introductory email - what's happened, who's who; banking arrangements/ membership renewal; tribute to Vincent Porter

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