BHC Emailers

Email updates from

the Friends of Brandy Hole Copse

Date sent

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Coppicing last Working Party (12th November) and next (10th December). Photos from 12th November; inspiration for a dead hedge.

Laurel bashing last Working Party (8th October); next is coppicing on 12th November. Friends Membership Form now online (AGM provisional date 14th May 2025); retired Treasurer Mel awarded Honorary Membership

Laurel bashing last Working Party and next (8th October); Butterfly Conservation and Bumblebee Conservation Trust results for 2024 national surveys; a plug for CDC's app used to report fly-tipping.

First e-mailer using MailChimp; Privacy Policy has been updated. 10th September Working Party; last time we maintained clear paths in adjoining field and explored its wildlife. Wild Crayon workshop 27th September.

Note change of e-mailing service provider and updated Privacy Police with effect from 1st September 2024.

2nd email giving notice of migration to a new email platform (likely MailChimp), as a result of closure of the Mad Mimi service on 30th August.

13th August Working Party; last time we cut laurel and cleared a path in adjoining field. Log/brash piles are part of the conservation management of the Copse. Treasurer Mel has retired; Peter Bickley has been co-opted as Treasurer. Wild Crayon workshop 27th September.

9th July Working Party; yet again weather was poor for butterflies last time - our time was spent attempting to tackle duckweed on Brandy Hole Pond again, and generally appreciating what wildlife we could.

11th June Working Party; last time we pulled variegated archangel, cut a small amount of laurel, attempted to tackle duckweed on Brandy Hole Pond.

14th May Working Party; future Working Party dates to January 2025 (there was a typo!); plant survey last time; SARG palmate newts found; Green Sketching; Phase 2 Whitehouse Farm Northern Country Park update.

9th April Working Party confirmed as butterfly and/or plant survey, depending on weather. Opportunity to join volunteers with Sussex Amphibian and Reptile Group for amphibian survey. Report on success of 19th March bird survey.

March Working Party now on Tuesday 19th (bird survey); coppicing for chestnut stakes and cutting back laurel continued on 13th February

Cutting chestnut stakes and cutting back laurel continued on 16th January; next Working Party on Tuesday 13th February for more of the same

Happy New Year! Report of how chestnut stakes cut on 12th December have been used; next Working Party on Tuesday 16th January

Working Party on Tuesday 12th December and reminder of future dates

Working Party on Tuesday 14th November and future dates

Working Party on Tuesday 17th October to cut back laurel

What to expect at our AGM to be held on 5th October (please RSVP); tribute to Andrew Berriman

Details of 12th September volunteer working party; change of date for October; report on 8th August tree survey

Details of 8th August volunteer working party; report on 11th July butterfly survey etc

Details of July to September volunteer working parties; report on 13th June laurel removal

First volunteer working party to take place 13th June; AGM announced for 5th October; volunteers needed for Friends Committee; membership renewal

Introductory email - what's happened, who's who; banking arrangements/ membership renewal; tribute to Vincent Porter

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